The Tennessee Yellow DOT program is a program dedicated to assist First Responders in providing valuable information they made need in time of trouble. When you first receive the yellow holder you will open it up to find two pieces of paper. The first paper you should open in the holder is the paper labeled Yellow DOT this paper explains the purpose of the Yellow DOT program and how to fill out the Emergency Medical Information paper correctly. When removing the Emergency Medical Information paper from the yellow holder, you will see on the very front page a place to put a picture and a name of whomever is going on this paper, Once this is done open the paper and proceed to put your medical information writing legibly so first responders can read the information provided. The last and final step of the Yellow DOT program is locating the sticker located in the yellow holder this sticker serves a significant purpose, this sticker should be placed on the driver side back windshield for first responders to be able to identify. Once the sticker is placed proceed to put your yellow holder into the glovebox of your car and or truck. Any questions concerning how this program is used can be directed to our fire department at (865) 278-3231.