The Sharps Chapel Volunteer Fire Department recently received a grant to purchase a Arm-Loc Life Saving Device and according to ARM- LOC, Sharps Chapel Fire Department was the first Fire Department in the State of Tennessee to receive this new life saving device since it was just recently released.
Arm-Loc is a new device that will help save more lives. During rescue emergencies the rescue responder or the victim pulls the yellow lanyard that deploys and locks the device into place, eliminating the need for the victim to grasp a rope. It can also help float the victim when the victim pulls the device close to his or her chest. It can be deployed in seconds and re-deployed over and over again. ARM- LOC is an easy to use, life saving device that will give police, fire and rescue responders an extra arm in saving people trapped by various water disasters. It can be used for floods, hurricanes and tsunamis as well as ice and rapid water rescues and snowmobile and boating accidents. The device is now being used in training to assist emergency personnel help during Active Shooter events and other emergencies to pull victims from in immediate harm to a safe place.
The department also purchased new Fire Ninja Vests that will be kept on the first responder vehicles for the emergency personnel to wear at emergency scenes for
protection. These new vests can be seen very well during day or night time operations, especially during motor vehicle accidents, according to Chief Chris Upton of the SCVFD.