SCVFD Purchases New Equipment from Grant

Shown above Sharps Chapel Firefighters, Lt. Dustin Ray, FF Rich Zerbey and FF Bret Pursel with two of the newly purchased SCBA’s.

The Sharps Chapel Volunteer Fire Department recently purchased four (4) new Scott Self Contained Breathing Apparatus’s and eight (8) new air bottles for their department.

The funds for the new equipment came from a state grant that the department applied for last year. Chief Chris Upton said the department was awarded approx. $38,000 through the grant to purchase the much needed equipment for the firefighters.

The SCBA’s are used by firefighters to wear while fighting fire to keep from breathing smoke and to keep the firefighters safe. Chief Upton said the department now has all of their SCBA’s matching on all of their trucks and they are all compatible with each other.

Upton also said their department is very grateful to receive these needed grants to help purchase equipment and gear for the firefighters. He said the firefighter equipment and gear they use is marked up with very high prices and it’s hard for small volunteer departments to afford to purchase things needed to operate with and keep the firefighters safe. These grants help a lot, Upton said.

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