SCVFD Purchases Large Amount of Tools and Equipment with Funds Donated from Local Businesses Matched by County Commission

Last Year a Union County resident, Tom Fitzharris of TK’S Gourmet Food Wagon decided he wanted to help the local fire departments and rescue squad here in Union County. Tom’s son had recently passed away and he was a member of Seymour Fire Department. Tom said he wanted to do this fund drive in memory of his son. Tom got with several other businesses in the county and set up certain days this past Fall for the fund drive where everyone contributed a portion of money raised that day. Tom then went to ask for the County Commission to match the funds he raised and they approved the request.

The total amount of funds raised turned out to be about $4,000.00 for each department in the county.

SCVFD purchased the following tools and equipment: 1 – Dual Range Forestry Nozzle, 6 – Forestry Helmet Head Lamps, 1 – Stokes Basket Cover, 1 – Ladderman Patient Rescue Harness, 2 – Halegen Bars, 6 – Wildland Hose Packs, 1 – Milwalkee 16 inch Battery Powered Chain Saw, 1 – Milwalkee 9inch Cut off Saw with extra Battery and Charger, 1 – Milwalkee Saws-All Kit with extra Battery and Charger, 1 – Milwalkee Rocket Light Tower with Battery and Charger.

Chief Chris Upton said this much needed equipment will be carried on our trucks and will be greatly beneficial during rescue situations. This donation helped the department use funds in other needed areas that our budget would normally not be able to cover. Upton also said he and the firefighters were greatly appreciative to Mr. Fitzharris and the other local businesses involved with helping with this fund drive and a big thanks to the County Commission for their extra funding and support.

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