SCVFD Fire Alarm Call

SCVFD was dispatched to the first fire alarm of the year. Engine 52 responded to the scene with 4 crew members. Upon arrival, located homeowner and discovered that construction was taking place in the home. Due to the construction, the alarm malfunctioned. After everything was found to be okay, all units returned to service.

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First call of the new year!

SCVFD was dispatched to a structure fire on January 2, 2015. Engine 51 and Engine 52 responded emergency traffic with five crew members. North East Union Fire responded for mutual aid assistance. Dispatch advised crews that the homeowner had called back and advised that they thought they had the fire out. North East fire was cancelled and E-51 and 52 continued emergency. Upon arrival the fire appeared out and units investigated.  Units checked the residence with a thermal imaging camera and all checked ok. Fire started from an outside meter box. Homeowners were able to safely extinguish the fire with an ABC fire extinguisher stored in the residence. Sharps Chapel units cleared the scene and returned to service.

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Updates Coming Soon

A summary of major calls that we responded to recently will be posted here. Stay tuned for our next call.

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