On March 27, 2022, at 12:27 pm, The Sharps Chapel Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to an out-of-control brush fire in the area of 368 Parsons Shores Road. Prior to the arrival of Engine 52 of the SCVFD requested for mutual aid from the Union County Rescue Squad, Northeast Volunteer Fire Department, and Luttrell Volunteer Fire Department. 12:41 pm Engine 52 then arrived on scene and advised dispatch to cancel the remaining departments and to continue all SCVFD members/apparatuses. 12:50 pm Engine 51 arrived on the scene to help further contain the fire. 12:55 pm Command 5 arrived on scene and took command of the fire. After about 30 minutes of fighting fire Engine 52 from SCVFD advised dispatch, the fire was under control. All SCVFD members and apparatuses remained on scene to put out some hot spots so the fire wouldn’t reignite. The Sharps Chapel Volunteer Fire Department fire chief said around 1.5 acres burned with no structures involved. No injuries were reported from either landowner or fire members. After around an hour and five minutes of fighting the fire all SCVFD members and apparatuses returned to service and returned to quarters.